We took our years of experience working with countless consulting firms to generate this clear guide to help you improve the way you manage your firm.
The Definitive Guide to Maximizing the Profits of Your Environmental Consulting Firm will walk you through exactly how to handle the challenges you experience on the path to profitability and give you the tools you need to create an efficient process from proposal to project completion, including:
Increase your profitability and the success of your consulting business with our comprehensive eBook
A wealth of business information, including:
The first and most important step is to generate an accurate estimate and a compelling proposal. Easier said than done? Learn how you can take major steps in improving your project's profitability before it even begins.
Long held advice says to under-promise and over-deliver. But long term client relationship aren't built on misdirection - how do you set the right expectation and hit the target every time?
The biggest challenge for project managers? Managing (and influencing) resources that are outside of their control. Learn how to improve their ability to affect resources for the betterment of the project.
No one enjoys tracking their time, but no other factor impacts the overall profitability of a project. Time really is money in the world of environmental consulting. Learn how to improve your time tracking accuracy for the good of every project.
More about communication? You bet because it is important. Really important. Working together more effectively can result in big improvements to your bottom line.
We live in a data driven society, but often getting to the insights that help us make critical business decisions is elusive. Learn how to do more with the data you have.
The three most important resources for a consulting firm: people, processes and tools. There is more profitability for you to find beyond your spreadsheets. Using the right tools can mean big gains in productivity and profitability across the organization.
I appreciate how helpful the responsive, friendly, prompt customer service has been for us. The level of personal communication and help we’ve received has exceeded expectations, and that’s not so easy to find these days.